If you are a business leader or owner, ask yourself this: 

  • What is your company’s culture really like? 

  • Have you ever considered your staff retention record against competitors? 

  • When was the last time you had a career conversation with your team? 
    What questions would you ask staff to help create a career plan? 
    Do you know the strengths, aspirations, and interests of your team, and are they in the right role?

Positive workplace retention takes time, energy, and resources.  

The cost of a high staff turnover is damaging to a business's bottom line. Usually there are amazing people within the business, but are they in the right role? Are you maximising their talent while keeping them motivated and feeling accomplished? We often find that people don't know where to start when talking about career conversations, yet they spend so much of their time at work unsatisfied.  

UPPO coaching provides a framework to structure individuals thinking to help them focus on their strengths, attributes, and career pathway, wherever that may lead.

Common feedback following our career programmes is:  

  •  It helped me gain clarity. 

  • It helped me take steps into a deeply satisfying role. 

  • My perceptions were not 100% true.  

  • I feel so much more confident and am a much more engaged contributor to the team.  


Think how differently your team might look; how efficient and cohesive the team might work, and how stimulating the workspace might feel.  

Retention beats replacement, always. 

Let’s evoke the
`va-va-voom’ into your team again! 

Our UPPOlogists workshops and one-on-one sessions deliver personalised guidance, support, and resources to help individuals make informed decisions, navigate career challenges, and achieve their professional aspirations. 

Crafted Careers

Our UPPOlogists use Crafted Careers to create bespoke packages tailored to the individual or group we are working with. Your team is your success – be the change needed in your business. 

Give the free mini course a try today