What We Do

Careers and Retention

The career journey is a rollercoaster of change, feats, hard knocks, and choice.

Need a dose of UPPO? Let’s dive in 

Whether the hand dealt has been forced through restructuring or redundancy, or the focus is on retaining staff. Or maybe you’re questioning your own (or a colleague’s) career path; it is the process that imprints the mind. A focus on careers can unlock unlimited potential and positivity; it’s the UPPO way.

This space covers a multitude of areas, from restructuring and redundancy support and guidance to guiding individuals in career development. We look broadly at what is happening in the world of work and the internal and external factors individuals are facing, then advise on the best plan.

“I found the mentoring and coaching program I completed with Kirsty excellent. Kirsty challenged me to consider some scenarios more through the context of my team members, questioning me on what their motivations and drivers were. She helped me ‘unwrap’ a few issues and recognise where my one-on-one conversations were and weren’t working.”  

  • Outplacement - Redundancy or Restructure

    Whether change is internal or external, transform your outplacement experience into one of positive change with UPPO.

  • Career Coaching for Individuals

    Through a structured approach, you will be supported to explore the career, study, or life path best suited to you.

  • Careers for Retention

    UPPO coaching provides a framework to structure individuals thinking to help them focus on their strengths, attributes, and career pathway, wherever that may lead.