What We Do

Guidance through Change

We believe an organisation doesn’t change itself, people change.

Invest in your people.

Today’s world is full of change. In order for businesses to successfully transition, whether big or small, there needs to be consideration of how to help their people through change. 

Change varies from small process shifts to full restructures or business reviews. We support our clients in all aspects of change management. UPPO provides objectivity, proven methodologies (including PROSCI tools), expert knowledge, and a customised approach that fits each organisation and culture.  

We believe that by understanding individual’s responses to change and thinking about how we need our people to feel throughout and after the change happens, can bring a more successful outcome to the only constant we have (change).   

UPPO can support your organisation by: 

  • Providing strategic planning and future change scope planning.

  • Preparing change proposals and managing change projects.

  • Using our experienced support through the process of restructuring.

  • Upskilling and training leaders in guiding change management.

  • Leading culture change initiatives that support people to align with organisational values and agreed behaviours.  

Change is hard, but with a leadership team equipped with the right skills and knowledge to lead the change, the process can be an enlightening and rousing time for individuals, teams, and the organisation itself.

The skills and knowledge learnt through UPPO’s guidance will infiltrate into other areas of work and life, allowing the development and growth of people's success to impact others.