Let’s empower your people and achieve extraordinary results. 

Services we provide

  • Team Performance

    Optimise and enhance the collective performance, productivity, and collaboration of your team.

    Create magic!

  • Resilience and Wellbeing

    Empower employees while building resilience to navigate challenges effectively. Drive change from within.

  • Guidance through Change

    Navigate and adapt to transitions and transformations successfully with expert, external, and empathic support.

  • Careers and Retention

    Reveal hidden talent, prioritise meaningful career conversations, and create a dream team. Outplacement, self-driven or unexpected career change programmes included.

  • Leadership Development and Coaching

    Optimise leader's potential through personalised guidance, training and support to maximise their leadership skills and capabilities.

  • Human Resources

    Focus on your core operations while utilising strategic and independent advice to guide project success.

We're not just any ordinary consultants, we are UPPOlogists.

We're your trusted, innovative business partners, delivering unrivalled expertise, impartiality, and tangible results. We have made it our mission to create a profound impact on people and organisations, and we achieve that by: 

  • Listening attentively to our clients' needs. 

  • Cultivating effective leadership that ignites greatness. 

  • Delivering exceptional outcomes that redefine quality. 

  • Upholding unwavering integrity in everything we do. 

We thrive on working with both companies and individuals, transforming organisations across New Zealand, whether on-site or remotely. We're passionate about tailoring our tools and leveraging our experience to provide customised guidance and solutions that empower exceptional performance through people. 

“There's nothing more rewarding than being in the business of unlocking people's potential and driving remarkable success. Seeing individuals and organisations thrive and reach new heights they never thought possible— that's what keeps me fired up and excited to make a real impact”.

- Kirsty 

Who we have worked with

Curious to see how we can support you and your team?

Reach out to us for a coffee—our treat! Let's find out if we're the perfect fit to unlock the true potential of yourself, your organisation, or both.