Meet Jo

I have over 20 years of experience in coaching, mentoring, and nurturing and driving individuals, teams and businesses to achieve the best that they can be. 

I have passion, warmth and skills in motivating and challenging people towards higher achievements. 

Having extensive knowledge and skills underpinned by neuroscience and science, plus having the warmth, style, flexibility and EQ, brings a balance and allows me to foster trust of individuals and teams. By providing a psychological safe space I can foster a climate where people speak up, learn and innovate. 

I love having conversations, either in coaching, 1-1's or in workshops and to see the energy lift when an insight is realised or when you hear of what has been achieved and how this has made an individual or team feel and impacted them and the organisation. To be part if this journey of unlocking people's potential and the impact this has on them and the organisation is priceless and a real privilege.  

I have experience in balancing commercial and operational management, and a keen eye for detail which gives me helpful insight into what leaders within companies are dealing with on a daily basis. I am the co-founder of a successful commercial business that came 17th in the Deloitte Fast 50 in NZ in 2019 – something I am immensely proud of. This organisation’s key focus is to lift organisation performance through its people.  

With a love of learning and growth, I am certified in the TTI Insights suite of tools, which includes being a Certified Behaviour Analyst, a Certified Driving Forces Analyst and a Certified Emotional Quotient Analyst. 


  • Riders and Elephants, Emotional Culture Deck Practitioner, May 2023.  

  • Brain-Based Coaching Certificate, NeuroLeadership Institute, Jan 2023.  

  • TTI Success Insights, Certified. Suite of tools Oct 2022 

  • Emotional Quotient Certified, DISC Certified, Driving Forces Certified.  

  • Bachelor of Science (Hons) Occupational Therapy, Coventry University, England (1995) 

Other work

  • Red Cross Psychosocial Training Facilitator

  • Co-founder of AskYourTeam 

Why UPPO?  

Last year, I made a conscious decision to set my goal as ‘Deliberately Making a Difference’, and I am actively fulfilling this aspiration through my involvement with UPPO.  

Every aspect of UPPO resonates with my own core values, purpose, and motivations, making it the perfect space for me to demonstrate my desire for positive change of others.  

And to top it all off, the UPPO team are exceptional individuals that I feel very privileged to work with. They are not only highly knowledgeable and skilled in their respective areas, but they also possess an unwavering passion for connecting with and uplifting others.  


For me, life is all about family and friends, exploring new places, throwing awesome dinner parties, enjoying amazing food, and getting my run on to blow out the cobwebs. 

When it's time to kick back and unwind, I soak up every bit of that well-deserved downtime, because life is all about balance!    

What our clients say…

“Once again, thank you for the way you ran the workshop. You really created a space where I could see the team felt comfortable sharing and taking part in conversations. 

We wrapped up for the day after you left on Tuesday and all went out for a meal together. At the end of the second day, I asked the team to summarise their two days in one word and the feedback was all positive. Responses included connected, open-minded, energised and positive.” 

“Thank you so much for being alongside us on this journey. The team has grown, is more connected, open minded and energised! You have done an amazing job, you were always available to listen and to ‘pivot’ when needed. The toolkit provided has real value in our current environment and the way in which you presented it enabled them to connect with the content.”