Meet Kirsty

My background is in technology businesses and professional services before consulting in many different industries including manufacturing, education, FMCG, and local government mean that I bring a unique ability to connect with teams and individuals to help them unlock their potential for their own success that in turn leads to better business outcomes.  

Bringing together years of in-house HR experience, neuroscience and an understanding of how our brain works, years of coaching around normal human behaviour and emotional intelligence, and the valuable tools I’ve gathered over the years, I work with businesses, teams and individuals to understand the challenges faced and provide relevant solutions to see practical results. 

I love working at all levels of a business, from Boards and Executive teams to those directly making products or providing a services to clients and customers. At every level we all put our socks on before our shoes, we’re all just people after all. 


  • Riders and Elephants, Emotional Culture Deck Practitioner, November 2021. 

  • Brain-Based Coaching Certificate, NeuroLeadership Institute, June 2015. 

  • TTI Success Insights, Certified. Suite of tools, May 2013. 

  • Boma, Dare to Lead, November 2019. 

  • PROSCI, Change Management, May 2019. 

  • Career Analysts, Career Coaching, 2011. 

  • University of Canterbury, Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting and HR), 1999-2001. 

  • Member of HRNZ and the ICF (International Coaching Federation). 

Other work

  • Independent Director on the Board of Directors at HamiltonJet 

  • Partner Advisor to AskYourTeam 

  • Co-founder of Crafted Careers

Why UPPO?  

We all spend a lot of time at work, and often we’re doing things that are no longer serving us, but our brain's preference for comfort, predictability and ease, means we don’t always seek change, or know where to find what we’re looking for. 

Having a direct impact on people’s lives by sharing the work we do, having meaningful conversations, and promoting reflection, learning and change that serves the individuals and the businesses we work with drives me every day.  

I wish everyone got to feel about their work, the way I feel about mine. After all, ‘if you find a job you love, you’ll never work another day in your life.’  


I love hanging out with my fam, goofing around with my two boys and hubby, going on adventures, soaking up nature, and getting in a solid walk or run when the sun's out. 

I should also mention I enjoy a spot of shopping and cultivating my dream of owning many dogs, but in the meantime, while I’m between dogs, I dogsit friends’ dogs to get my furry-friend fix.    

What our clients say…

“I first engaged Kirsty when I realised that I was in an organisation made up of wonderful individuals, but terrible teams. Kirsty challenged, supported and stretched individuals and teams, and is now well-embedded within the organisation.  

Through deep connections across the business, she has provided not only insights but a very well-informed pulse check of the culture. Most importantly, people feel valued and invested. The tool and feedback sessions have given people a common language and a way to connect.  

100% a worthwhile investment for any organisation.”