How TTI Insights Transform Behaviour, Motivation, and Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

One of the main tools that we use at UPPO is the TTI Success Insights TriMetrix, well-researched and validated regularly since the 1980s. This tool helps us understand ourselves and others by focusing on behaviour, motivation, and emotional intelligence.

Understanding Behaviour with DISC

There are a lot of different behaviour profiling tools available, often misinterpreted as personality tools. In this version of DISC, it looks at normal human behaviour and breaks that down into four key areas, showing us what that observable behaviour looks like. The other key difference in this version of DISC is that it distinguishes between our natural behaviour style and how we’re adapting to our role. Ideally, these two should align closely so we’re not running down our batteries and needing to recharge in our natural style which may not be the right behaviour for the situation.

Motivators and Emotional Intelligence in DISC

The second part of the TriMetrix tool focuses on motivators. That is understanding what drives us and our decision-making and actions, and the third part of that TriMetrix is emotional intelligence. EQ being such an important filter that sits on top of our behaviour.

The key focus is what does our behaviour look like to others? EQ helps us understand how our actions and reactions are impacting others. By interpreting responses to specific questions, the TriMetrix tool reveals how our behaviour impacts those around us, whether at work, home, or in other areas of life.

Sometimes people are aware of how their behaviours affect others. However, during our debriefs, we often find new insights into the impact of certain behaviours on those around them.

Practical Ways we use the TriMetrix Tool

We use the TriMetrix tool in various business contexts, including:

Improving Communication: By understanding behavioural differences, we can enhance how team members interact.

Team Building: Especially valuable for new teams, it helps members understand each other better.

Leadership Development: It provides insights into how leaders can adapt their styles for better outcomes when leading others.

Recruitment: Using it to assess key roles, ensuring the right fit for the organisations’ culture and the team they’re joining.

Coaching: It forms a solid basis for coaching, helping individuals understand themselves before looking to focus on the goals they want to achieve.

It forms a really good basis for understanding our own behaviour, but also the behaviour of others so that we can interpret and understand what others are doing and why and focus in on the value that those differences have rather than on the challenges or frustrations that those differences might cause.

Unique Features of TTI Success Insights

The reports are comprehensive, about 60 pages long. Some of the key focus in here is around the strengths each individual has as well as the areas that they could improve. Our biggest differences often come from people who are opposite ourselves. They’re often our biggest triggers, and so understanding each other and looking at where we can move towards each other means that we can be focused on win-win outcomes rather than win-lose.

The key reason we like the TTI profiles is that you get a comprehensive report, but you also get to have a one-on-one debrief to understand the information in the report. This approach is different from many other profiles, which clients tell us often only provide the report without any validation, further explanation, or practical application.

If we go from an individual one-on-one into a team situation, people can share information about themselves, helping to build a cohesive team. This allows everyone to learn about themselves, but also then how to best interact with others. The TTI Success Insights business has been in the top 20 assessment and valid evaluation companies for five years running, and it’s certainly a tool that we have seen stand head and shoulders above other tools that we have considered or see clients having used parts of these sorts of programs.

Focusing on EQ in the Workplace

One standout feature of the TriMetrix tool is its emphasis on emotional intelligence (EQ). By reflecting on our behaviour and recognising our triggers, we can create space between a stimulus and our response. That level of emotional awareness and emotional regulation goes a long way to changing outcomes and interactions with others, but also being able to notice and understand why changes are happening in others and how to adapt. EQ is often something people have heard about but not necessarily had a measure of, and it can have such a big impact on our DISC behaviour, changing it from one end of the spectrum of positive, helpful, valuable traits into places where we might be seeing unhelpful, unhealthy type behaviour.

Many people realise during our work that their behaviour can impact their ability to get results, particularly when emotional intelligence is low, and that they want to grow this area, seeing the benefit in doing so. Handy for us all, that EQ is just our habits in this space, and we can change them like any other habits we consciously want to change.

But I would also like to prompt people to think about how much deeper you can go by thinking into other areas, like understanding what motivates people and their levels of emotional intelligence to see real differences when building teams and understanding each other by taking that internal self-reflective approach as well as the external interactions with others and what others might need.

We’ll dig deeper into these in the next couple of articles.


The Art of Effective Communication


How Emotions Play into Planning and Adapting to Change